2010年1月21日 星期四


Life Mission:
I explained my passion a little bit in my introduction. I’d love to keep doing video audio work in my future career and to use it well to open people’s mind about the world. I want to be a bridge to connect people and this world.
Just think how many people will get your information if you just do a lecture at school? And how many people will get your information if you publish a book? And how many people will get your information if you make it to a TV program? And how many people will get your information if you put your TV program online? The impact will gain more and more. Don’t just think small when you do one of your assignments. Maybe it will be big some day.

3 則留言:

  1. Well David I think you are completly right. I would love to be able to do the same with my consumers or peers. That is a lot to think about.. You may have the tools to be able to broadcast to the whole world but what are you going to say. What is you statment going to be and once you pull the people in how would you keep them there. If we are able to produce media at this level that means that there are other indivduals that can do the same. HOw would you make your statment so much better than the other creators?

  2. Hi David. You have done some incredible work here at IUPUI. I always love looking at your projects. You are truly dedicated to perfecting your skills, and I love that you are utilizing them to fill needs in your community. I'm interesting in seeing more about China. Do you have footage that you've shot in China or Greece that you are planning on editing together into a documentary, of some sort?

  3. David

    I would really like to see some of your work. Looks like from other students that you have some awsome work. What are some of your inspirations? What really inspires you? What do you plan on doing next? Do you have a portfolio website? My portfolio website is located at rickjmorris.com

