2010年1月21日 星期四

Self Introduction

Self Explanation:

My name is Dawei Yan. I am from China. Every body calls me David, because I told them Dawei actually is the translation of David. My father told me I meant to come to US. But this is not an easy way for me.

The year when I apply school for US is the year that SARS disease happened in China. I couldn’t get visa to US. And by chance I just happened to go to Athens Greece for study. I spent my first three years of my undergraduate school there. That is not a wealthy country and the education is not that good. But I’m thankful that I can study there. I love traveling, which is perfect for me to study in Greece. Since I was majoring Electronic Media, I started to use image camera and video camera to record everything that I thought it’s interested. Since then, camera is kind of the other eye for me to see this world.

I have been living in US for more than 3 years. I finished my last year of bachelor degree in UIndy in 2007, and started my master degree in 2008. I joined to Media Art and Science program because I think it can help me more in this area.

I have so much passion for my skill in two areas. One is to use informatics knowledge to help more people to know China better. I taught Chinese in Athens University and one of the private language schools in Athens. I always think it is a limitation just by talking. I created some visual tutorial by using 2D animated motion to explain how Chinese character structured and some animation to tell the story behind some characters. I found it is great help for people who learned Chinese by this way. And it gains more people’s interests when people learned Chinese by doing this.

I have the other passion is using my talent on my church. I created a Chinese website for my church; I made some video clips about our church mission; I videotaped the testimonies about the new members and give them as the gift. I control the sound in my church as well as video taping the sermons and post them to our website. I think by doing this. The information from our church will go far. We can reach out to more people in our area.

Informatics Media Science is the great department for my study. It is not only benefit me, but also will benefit the world. I hope every one of us in this program should be proud of ourselves, because we can make a huge impact for this world.

